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South Carolina Compensation for a Concussion

Posted by Hopkins Law Firm | Jul 19, 2022 | 0 Comments

How Much Compensation Can You Get For A Concussion

South Carolina takes concussion injuries very seriously.

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that occurs after a severe blow to the head. A concussion happens when the brain and the skull are moved back and forth after an impact. This injury can cause brain damage and lifelong problems.

In some cases, such as with car accidents, a coup-contrecoup injury can occur where the head is swung back and forth in an accident and makes an impact with an object on both sides of the head.

If you have been injured with a concussion after a car accident, fall, or another event, South Carolina personal injury law says that you can file for concussion compensation. The amount of compensation you will receive will depend on several factors.

As soon as you get injured, contact us for help. We will review your case for free, and as experienced South Carolina personal injury lawyers, we know how to get you the compensation you deserve for your concussion.

South Carolina Compensation for a Concussion

The amount of compensation you could get in a concussion case will depend on the other party's negligence and your losses. If your concussion could have been prevented and happened due to someone else's negligence, you are entitled to compensation.

  • Medical costs, present and future
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity if you are unable to return to work right away
  • Caregiver, rehabilitation, medical equipment, and prescription medication costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of reputation

In addition to car accidents, sports are another common cause of concussions. South Carolina law stipulates removal from play for athletes with a concussion, regardless of how the concussion was sustained.

When you have a concussion, your life changes for a while. That is a severe loss to you, and you are entitled to damages. The average amount of compensation for a concussion case is well over $100,000.00, but it can also be in the millions. Every case is different.

If you are experiencing post-concussion syndrome, you will likely be entitled to more compensation because those losses and damages will be significantly greater.

How to Win a Concussion Case

When you are suing for compensation for a concussion or filing a claim, you may find some resistance in the legal community on the other side of your claim. That is because a concussion is rarely an open wound that can be proven in court.

But concussions can be. To win your concussion case, you'll need good medical records, doctor's information, and even your testimony.

  • Medical records – concussion diagnosis, and medical bills or records such as CT scan or MRI
  • Doctor's testimony – can come in the form of a doctor's note, affidavit, or even on the stand
  • Your notes – document and journal your pain and suffering if you can

Contact an Experienced Concussion Attorney

Contact an experienced South Carolina concussion attorney right away when considering a concussion claim or lawsuit. We will fight for your rights to the damages you've experienced as a result of this trauma.


When can you sue for compensation for a concussion?

If the concussion could have been reasonably prevented, or someone failed in their duty of care to other people around them, or negligence occurred, you can sue for a concussion as soon as possible.

Do you have to prove concussions?

When you are suing someone, it is always best to have as much information as possible to bolster your claim. Medical testimony and witness accounts of those who know what you are going through now will help.

Are concussions in accidents common?

Everyone hears about sports-related concussions all of the time. Concussions from car accidents don't always make the news but are among the most common injuries from a car accident. The courts know this.

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