We all automatically trust our healthcare professionals to have our best interests at heart. But even doctors are human, and sometimes mistakes are made. To make matters worse, many medical facilities are facing short staffing issues and increasing demands from employers. When you combine these problems with the occasional negligent medical professional, disaster can strike.
Some doctors and nurses are negligent when they ought to be careful. In the worst-case scenarios, this can result in improper medical care or even injury for their patients.
Medical Malpractice Lawsuits in Pee Dee
When a patient is injured by the medical professional, they may be able to file a lawsuit for compensation. Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other medical professional fails to provide an “acceptable standard of care” for their patient. In this circumstance, an acceptable standard of care has to be established early on in a medical malpractice lawsuit case. This normally requires great representation if the claimant wants the best chance of receiving the compensation they deserve.
Acceptable standards of care will be decided by the generally accepted practices or procedures used by other professionals in the same geographic area. For instance, a lawsuit in the Charleston or Pee Dee areas will focus on acceptable standards of care in medical centers nearby.
The type of medical malpractice must also be defined clearly. This might involve calling expert witnesses who can demonstrate your testimony a proven lack of attention from the medical care provider. Most cases involving medical malpractice involve issues that arise during surgery or direct treatment, such as a doctor or nurse providing the wrong medication to their patients or making a huge mistake during a surgical procedure as a result of their own negligence.
In other cases, the medical malpractice lawsuit will take shape around a retained instrument. Retained instruments are defined as medical objects that are accidentally left in the body of a patient after a surgical procedure is completed. These cases can be particularly difficult for victims, as instruments left in their body can lead to further surgery or extra injuries.
Of course, more surgery and extra injuries also lead to increased monetary drains on the part of the patient. Thus, a successful medical malpractice case is even more important; it may be the only way for many patients to receive the funding necessary to fully recover.
The best medical malpractice attorneys can pursue cases on:
- failure to diagnose
- wrong diagnosis
- surgical error or wrongful surgery
- surgical negligence
- medication errors
- hospital infections
- birth injuries
- and more…
Successful cases can be victims to receive compensation for:
- current and future medical bills
- pain-and-suffering compensation
- recovery for lost wages as a result of injury
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